Looking for a baby animal to brighten up your virtual happy hour? Jazz up your virtual birthday party? Get your goat on a conference call? Hancock Shaker Village will join your Zoom call and introduce you to the animals. You can ask questions or just enjoy them. You’ll just need to send them a Zoom link when you book.
For a $50 donation for up to 6 people, you get a 15-minute virtual session with the baby animals. Your choice of animals on the farm — goats, lambs, or calves. You’ll be in the barn with them (or out in the yard if it’s a nice day), watching them cavort — they are very playful! If you want to do yoga with the goats, you can pretend they’re doing it, too. Or enjoy the lambs, the sweetest creatures you’ll ever see. We have several sets of twins just born. If you’re lucky, you might even time it on a day when a baby is born!
Tuesdays at 10:30 and 11 am .