The Written World with Martin Puchner
The Mount, Edith Wharton's Home 2 Plunkett St, Lenox, Massachusetts 01240
Prize-winning author and educator Martin Puchner will discuss his research, career and best-selling book The Written World: The Power of Stories to Shape People, History, Civilization. Martin Puchner will tell the story of literature and its power to shape people, civilizations and world history by exploring key stories from over 4,000 years of world literature. Taking us on a remarkable journey through history, with stories of people whose lives and beliefs led them to create groundbreaking texts that affected the world they were born into, and the world in which we live today.
“Literature isn’t just for book-lovers. Ever since it emerged four thousand years ago, it has shaped the lives of most humans on planet earth.”
—from THE WRITTEN WORLD by Martin Puchner
Martin Puchner is the Byron and Anita Wien Professor of English and Comparative Literature at Harvard University. He is the general editor of the Norton Anthology of World Literature and the Norton Anthology of Western Literature. His HarvardX MOOC (massive open online course) has brought four thousand years of literature to students across the globe. He lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
The Mount is a Massachusetts Cultural Council UP designated organization welcoming participants of all disabilities. Please contact Nicole Williams at 413-551-5100 or by email,, to discuss accommodations needed to participate fully in this event.