The 40th annual Lenox Apple Squeeze
Lenox Apple Squeeze Main Street, Lenox, Massachusetts
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The 2019 Lenox Apple Squeeze will feature nearly 150 vendors spread out around downtown.
Arts and crafts abound at the Squeeze where you can explore tents full of unique items hand-crafted by talented artisans. Handmade jewelry, woven baskets, local soaps, quilts, photography, paintings, woodworks and much more will all be available.
But the biggest draw of all may be the food. Of course there is everything apple: pies, cakes, sauce, cider, donuts, muffins and even ice cream! Beyond that there is kettle corn, cakes slices over a foot tall, famous corn chowder, many food trucks and of course the always popular taco in a bag!
Also don’t forget to check out the great sidewalk sales, with big discounts, our local merchants have in their stores. Clothing, blankets, home goods, toys and even great artwork all can be found at once a year prices.
PARKING: Parking shuttled from Tanglewood main lot- $5 per car.