Radiant Child Yoga Level 1-3, Kripalu
Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health 57 Interlaken Rd, Lenox, Massachusetts 01262
Radiant Child® Yoga (RCY) 1-3 is an innovative 30-hour training program designed for everyone interested in teaching yoga to children of all ages. One of the first child yoga training programs worldwide, developed by pioneer, Shakta Khalsa, it provides enlightening results for ALL children, including those with ADD, ADHD, and Autism. In Radiant Child Yoga Training, you’ll learn how to:
• Teach children from toddlers to teens
• Use RCY materials to create hundreds of lesson plans
• Lead yoga classes that are fun for everyone, including you
• Enrich children’s mental and physical health through captivating movement, relaxation, and mindful meditation
• Use effective and age-appropriate self-calming and self-regulating techniques
• Give children tools they can take home with them and use at school too
• Learn how to stay in your center & have clear, meaningful communication with children
Course credits: Radiant Child Yoga 1-3, beside being a stand-alone certificate training, is also the first 30 hours of both Radiant Child Yoga YA certified schools at the 95 and the 200 hour level.