Photography Workshop: Portraits & Nudes with Greg Gorman
June 3, 4, 5, & 6
Different shooting locations and models every day in the beautiful Berkshires!
Tuition: $2000
(includes model fees, location fees, and lunch all four days)
Register at Sohn Fine Art or follow this link
69 Church Street, Lenox, MA
Master artist Greg Gorman will be coming to the Berkshires this summer to teach an intensive workshop on portraiture as well as the figure study. His class will focus on teaching his students how to see and interpret light and how best to communicate with the talent in front of his lens. The four day class will begin with a personal but open ended forum critiquing each of his student’s work to give not only each student a better understanding of his approach to their imagery but also to give the class an opportunity to view each other’s work in an open sharing environment. Greg will then present his career work as well as his latest projects.
Once everyone has had a chance to get acquainted with each other’s style and view Greg’s work as well, Greg will take everyone on location with the models for the first afternoon of shooting. Greg will demonstrate some of his lighting techniques on location utilizing natural light in conjunction with LEDS/light modifiers and silks. Each day’s locations will vary and provide a myriad of different opportunities to offer the most varied possibilities. The class will be broken up into 2-3 small groups with a model assigned to each group and the models will rotate through the day and the workshop so each student has the opportunity to work with the various models. One student will shoot at a time and the other members of the group will assist the person shooting. At the close of each day, Greg would like each student to produce 10-12 images of their choice from the day’s work to be critiqued, the following morning in class prior to the day’s shoot. Greg is not looking for retouched images but more over for the content, tone and cropping that the students best feels represents their image. Greg will show how to best enhance the image in Lightroom. Greg is interested not only in the images you feel are most successful but also those that gave you trouble and that you feel you need help on.
Portraiture and figure study will both be focused on, but on different days. At the close of the last day, Greg will hold a final discussion and review of the workshop answering any questions and sharing any additional information that all of you may wish to discuss. The class will have an informal rather than overly structured atmosphere to allow all of you to provide input to Greg as to where you wish your week to go in case you want to push more in any specific directions. The week should prove to not only enhance your work ethic and skills but drive your passion. Greg is most open to speaking with any of you personally should you have any questions prior to signing up for his class.