Isadora Duncan Workshop Series Introductory class
Berkshire Pulse - Center for the Creative Arts 420 Park Street, Housatonic, Massachusetts 01236

Introductory Workshop December 15th, 1-3PM
Cost $20
Dances by Isadora – Boston will return to Berkshire Pulse to offer a workshop on the technique and choreography of Isadora Duncan. Considered by many to be the Mother of Modern Dance, Duncan was inspired by nature, music, and a longing to express the freedom of the soul through movement. In this workshop, we will explore the use of weight, the flow of movement through the body, and moving from the solar plexus. We will also teach some of the Duncan repertoire. This workshop will also serve as an opportunity to find dancers with an affinity for this work who would be interested in participating in a performance with us on June 9 at Chesterwood, the estate of sculptor Daniel Chester French.
Dances by Isadora – Boston is a professional company dedicated to preserving the art and technique of Isadora Duncan. The work of Duncan has been passed down directly through generations of dancers. Our Founder, Patricia Adams, was taught by Sylvia Gold, who was taught by Irma Duncan, who was taught by Isadora herself. We have performed and taught most recently at Jacob’s Pillow. Other performance credits include Boston area venues such as Mount Auburn Cemetery, New England Conservatory, Cambridge Multicultural Arts Center, and the Dance Complex among others, as well as various performances in New York, Chicago, Russia, Japan, Hungary, Finland, and Canada.
December 15, Introductory workshop 1:00-3:00PM
January 19, 2019 Class/Rehearsal 1:00-3:00PM
February 9, Class/Rehearsal 1:00-3:00PM
March 16, Class/Rehearsal 1:00-3:00PM
April 6 and 27th , Rehearsal 1:00-3:00PM
May 11, Rehearsal 1:00-3:00PM on site at Chesterwood or at Pulse
June 1, Rehearsal 1:00-3:00PM on site at Chesterwood
June 9, Performance at Chesterwood, Time TBD