Insight Meditation for Clarity and Ease
Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health 57 Interlaken Rd, Lenox, Massachusetts 01262
For both beginners and experienced meditators.
Insight Meditation, or Vipassana, is a simple technique that originated with the Buddha’s teachings more than 2500 years ago and continues to contribute to our quality of life today. The practice teaches us to calm and steady the mind by gently settling our attention in the present moment. The calm mind can then look inside itself and all of life with more openness, clarity, and ease. This leads naturally to insight, which frees us from our own reactive patterns and opens us more fully into the vast potential of our own mind and heart.
This program introduces the practices of sitting, walking, and daily-life meditation methods. Paying attention to our breath and body provides a foundation upon which we build to include emotions, thoughts, and everything that makes up our life in any given moment. Presentations and discussion complement periods of silent meditation as we systematically explore the power of present moment awareness (mindfulness) to touch and transform our hearts and minds.
Matthew Daniell emphasizes having the lessons we learn in formal practice support the quality of our awareness in all that you do while at Kripalu and he provides a strong foundation for bringing mindfulness practice into your daily life at home. This retreat is suitable for everyone looking to find inner renewal and live with more clarity and ease.