Home Sweet Home - Naumkeag
5 Prospect Hill Rd, Stockbridge, MA 01262Join us for a FREE Open House Day at Trustees Historic Homes & Gardens!
A visit to Naumkeag provides a a stylish glimpse of life and design from a golden time. Just a stone’s throw from downtown Stockbridge, this National Historic Landmark is both a surviving example of a Gilded Age Berkshire “cottage” and host to several of the few publicly accessible landscapes designed by Fletcher Steele - the father of American landscape design. Naumkeag’s many gardens “rooms” and outdoors landscape features - including Steele’s famous Blue Steps - are a pure delight for all ages to explore. The Trustees are nearing the completion of a sweeping, multi-year restoration to return the gardens to their original brilliance for all to enjoy.
About Home Sweet Home:
The Trustees’ public gardens are a living documentary of Massachusetts horticulture and design traditions. We are celebrating those gardens, many of which are part of the landscapes of our historic homes, at Home Sweet Home—our annual Open House Day—this year. Come experience all the beauty, history, and unique stories contained within each home, as well as the exquisitely designed gardens and stunning natural landscapes that continue to inspire creative minds to this day. Whether you're a garden lover, an architecture aficionado, a plein air painter, or simply curious, we have a house for you to explore.would draft some of their most famous works.
Home Sweet Home will take place Saturday, May 19 from 10AM – 4PM at ten Trustees historic sites which generally charge admission during the open season, and a few of which are only open to the public a few times each year. From the Berkshires to Greater Boston, there’s a Home Sweet Home open for you.
This event is free and open to the public.