Emerging Tastes
Hancock Shaker Village 1843 West Housatonic St, Hancock, Massachusetts 01201

Emerging Tastes Retreat Hancock Shaker Village
A creative three-day retreat held on July 19-22, 2018, for food influencers to explore new flavors and rethink old ones. What can a sustainable food system look — and taste—like through the new flavors that are emerging as the world changes and realigns? What foods will we eat as nature and our climate changes? What flavors will be plentiful and how can we make what comes next more delicious? While respecting the past, we’ll embrace a future as we forage and explore flavors and challenges together. Click here to view schedule. Fee includes programming, 3 dinners, 2 lunches, festive beverages, live music and goat yoga, tours, hikes, and other activities. Co-presented by Changing Tastes, Main Street Hospitality, and Hancock Shaker Village.
Tickets: https://shop.hancockshakervillage.org/product/emerging-tastes-a-creative-retreat-for-food-leaders/.