Berkshire Backyard Beekeepers
Berkshire Botanical Garden 5 W Stockbridge Rd, Stockbridge, Massachusetts 01262

Berkshire Botanical Garden
Join local beekeepers on the second Tuesday of each month at 6pm on the grounds of Berkshire Botanical Garden. We will focus on sustainable beekeeping techniques: raising and sourcing bees locally, managing pests and diseases ecologically, and creating beneficial habitats for honeybees and native pollinators alike.
All levels of experience are welcome. New to beekeeping? Come learn how to get started with your first hives. Are you a seasoned beekeeper? Your experience and knowledge will be invaluable to others in the group!
These meetings will incorporate the following topics (not necessarily all at each meeting):
-Sharing of resource lists for equipment, local bee sources, and learning opportunities
-Updates on regulations and disease pressures
-Hands-on demonstrations using BBG apiary
-Seasonal management reminders
-Gardening tips to help honeybees as well as native bees
-And most importantly, a chance to get to know your neighbor beekeepers!
This group is free and open to anyone.
Email or call 413-357-4657 for more information.