Band & Instrument Contests: CASH Prizes
Hancock Shaker Village 1843 West Housatonic St, Hancock, Massachusetts 01201
Don't forget to sign up for the Band & Instrument contests at the Northeast Fiddlers' Convention. Cash Prizes!! Pre -registration required. Fun to compete and a blast to watch!
Space is limited, and walk-ins are not guaranteed a contestant spot.
Info and registration here:
Judged Contests for the following categories*:
Fiddle / Banjo / Guitar / Mandolin / Dobro / Band
1st Prize Band Contest: $200 cash
Performance set at 2020 N.E. Fidders’ Convention
Camping Passes for the band at the 2019 Oldtone Roots Music Festival
Tickets for band to the 2020 N.E. Fiddlers’ Convention
Merch Bag
2nd Prize Band Contest: $100 CASH
Tickets for band to the 2020 N.E. Fiddlers’ Convention
Merch Bag
1st PRIZE: $100 cash!
1 Full Camping ticket to the 2019 Oldtone Roots Music Festival
1 ticket to the 2020 N.E. Fiddlers’ Convention
Merch Bag
2nd PRIZE: $25 CASH!
A ticket to the 2020 N.E. Fiddlers’ Convention
Fiddlers’ Merch Bag
3rd-PRIZE: Merch Bag!
The General Rules:
Two song maximum per contestant in a category
Songs can be no longer that 3 minutes each
No talking into the microphone
Only one accompanying rhythm instrument is permitted and one mic only
Contestants may sign up for more than one category. However, contestants in the band contest may only perform in ONE Band.
Only ticket holders and volunteers can participate
Contestant must show respect to their fellow contestants, the judges, the MC, and the venue!