Keep It Local Berkshires Summit 2018
Courtyard by Marriott Lenox Berkshires 70 Pittsfield Rd, Lenox, Massachusetts 01201
There are many challenges businesses in the Berkshires are facing - heavy online and national competition, sustaining shoulder season business volume, and lack of entry level viable employees to name a few.
In this free day long summit, you will be meeting and networking with representatives from various influential Berkshire businesses and venues, alongside state legistlators and marketing professionals. This event is open to any and all Berkshire businesses.
The goal of the event is simple - networking and brain storming on how to keep business in the Berkshires, and how to face some of the challenges in a county wide team effort.
Berkshire businesses are facing multiple challenges - being able to make the connections and overcome competition from online and national providers being one of the biggest. By sourcing services from outside of our area and local economy, local businesses might be saving money in the short term, but the long term effect is economically catastrophic.
According to an independent study by the American Independent Business Alliance, each dollar you spend at a local business returns three times the amount to the local economy.
Take a moment and think about how that could change the local economic landscape.
Light snacks and luncheon will be provided, including a mid-afternoon tea ceremony by Tea Tell Truth, and a cocktail hour provided by Nejaime’s Wine Cellars.
Are you interested in becoming a sponsor to the event? Please message us!
RSVP's must be made by November 6th - there are a very limited amount of spaces. Two representatives per business. Please RSVP via Eventbrite link provided - Facebook responses will not be construed as reservations.